Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel - that's what this one should be called. The hovering figure that feels like a guardian angel was made by dipping a piece of bark in paper clay slip.  The bark burned out in the kiln, leaving a ceramic shape that I then coated with oxide stain and fired again.

I drew the bathtub in Brinton House, Room 26, when I was at Pendle Hill, a Quaker study and retreat center, for a 7-day silent Mindfulness Meditation Retreat last Spring.  The bathtub captured something of the quaintness and charm of staying in Brinton House.  Early in the retreat there was a rain storm with lots of thunder and dangerously close lightning.  An alarm was set off by the lightning, and the fire department showed up in a big red truck.  It was close, but not a direct strike. We were all OK, seemingly protected by a guardian angel. None of us had ever been so close to lightning strike, and we were shook up and scared...and then we went back to meditating.  What else?


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