Thursday, September 8, 2011

Synchronicity Strikes Again...

Daily Oasis,, is a very aptly named website.  Every morning someone's SoulCollage® card arrives in my inbox providing daily food for thought: an incredible visual image combined with an I Am One Who... statement. (You too can sign up for this!).  I have submitted cards to be posted, and never know quite the timing of how long they will be in the pipeline and when they will appear.  This morning, as we are getting ready to leave for the SoulCollage® Facilitator's Conference,  the card of mine above appeared on Daily Oasis, along with this text:

Created & Shared By:
Susan Richards
Ardmore, Pennsylvania

  "I Am One Who... traditional and contemporary 
at the same time.
It is not a conflict or contradiction for me.
Both inform and enrich each other."

The second synchronicity of the morning was the message on the KaleidoSoul SoulCollage listserv , from Anne Marie Bennett, the creator and spiritual force behind, and co-chair of the Conference:

"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware."  Martin Buber

The words have meaning, for both inward and outward journeys.  They have a particularly special meaning for me, as words of Martin Buber.  I am ready for the Conference journey, and plunging into all of which I am unaware.

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